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Are You Chasing Dreams or Running Away from a Nightmare?

Mar 08, 2024

Why Neither Works to Attract What You Want in Life.

These are two different mindsets and feel-sets we have as we maneuver through the world. We are either chasing (seeking) or attracting.

We have been taught since birth to follow our dreams by seeking or chasing them all our lives. Many believe chasing and attracting are the same thing. Both involve going after opportunities, people, goals, and everything we want and believe we deserve. And on the surface, they may appear similar. But they are very different states. And they produce very different results.

Seeking and chasing our dreams seems to empower us, but it's a depowering state. It shows us we are in a lower frequency of want, neediness, craving, deficiency, or scarcity. Our chasing state of mind is always aligned with desperation. We tie our worth to what we're chasing, and if we don't get what we're going after, we believe we are worthless, and in so doing, we give our power away to whoever we're chasing. ("How to Really Attract What You Want In Life / Psychology Today")

By chasing, we are losing our sense of self. We are watered down whenever we lose our sense of self and not living at our potential. This state of being doesn't attract anything; it becomes the opposite, like a flipped magnet; it repels what we desire. (modified version of a statement in "How to Really Attract What You Want in Life” – On Remember, not chasing a dream or goal doesn't mean not being ambitious or going after your dreams. I'm talking about the mindset, intention, and energy we pull attraction energy from.

Attracting is a power-filled state. You are focusing on improving yourself over wanting to improve yourself. You are not exchanging who you are for what you want and are not seeking approval and validation. You are not taking. You are giving by being the best version of yourself. "And by being in this state, having this mindset and felling-set, you are raising your vibrations, living on a higher frequency, and attracting who and what you were meant to attract." ("How to Really Attract What You Want In Life / Psychology Today")

Changing what we radiate into the world (our vibratory rate) isn't easy. That is because we cannot hide what we are inside; this is the vibration we emit to the world. We cannot conceal the vibration or attraction frequency that identifies us and broadcasts to the world who we are and how we expect to be treated. It determines everything we attract and do not attract into our life. Changing what we attract into our life requires raising the level of the energy we are broadcasting, or radiating, to a higher and more refined vibration, and we do this by changing who we are.

Seeking is chasing, and chasing keeps you in the state of getting something outside yourself to improve your life. Attracting is a power-filled state. You are focusing on improving your life over wanting or seeking something. A Psychology Today article, "How to Really Attract What You Want In Life," suggests that the attraction factor is enhanced by having a new mindset, and in so doing, you are raising your vibrations, living on a higher frequency, and attracting who and what you were meant to attract. If you are attracting, you are not selling out by exchanging who you are for what you want. You are not seeking approval and validation. You are not taking; you are receiving. You are becoming what you want. 

Although this is true, there is still something missing in the equation. We are constantly faced with choices between what we want and what we do not want. We cannot achieve a focused mindset if we are caught in between. Often, even when we believe we are thinking about something we desire, we unconsciously think about the exact opposite. We must train ourselves to become what we want versus what we unconsciously try to avoid. Too often, the second (the fear) has more emotional charge than the first (the thinking desire), and the one most feared is what manifests.

For example: "I want more money" often means, "I do not want to be poor.". "I want a relationship." often means, "I do not want to be alone.". "I want a new car." often means, "I do not want to feel so unsafe while driving," or "I do not want to look so unsuccessful in this old car," or "I want more energy" often means "I do not want to feel so tired." "I want a better job" often means, "I do not want to feel like a failure."

We all have a long list of things we desire and fear experiencing since our life experiences began, creating the contrast that causes us to want certain things. And we are all adept at bringing things into our lives, but few do it consciously. That is why we are always chasing; we cannot attract what we want, so we chase and pursue it.

Look at your life; you have manifested it, some consciously, most unconsciously. Look at what you do have and rejoice. You are manifesting something – even if it's the opposite of what you want, you should get very excited. You have manifested it, just not consciously. So, let's change that.

Notice that we tend to stress what we do not want when we articulate. That is an indication of chasing, and we must keep in mind that what we think and receive are closely related and are, in fact, a perfect vibratory match. When we realize just how important the ability to be clear about our goals and intentions is, we take a step toward conscious manifesting. That is what is being reinforced and impressed upon the Infinite Mind. That is what is being manifested in our life - the need.

No matter the temptation's greatness, we must never think about what we do not want. If we do, the attention we focus on attracts the very thing we are seeking to avoid. The key here is to think about something else, something that we actually do want. We must develop the discipline to change our minds, that is, the focus of our Thinking Mind. That is how we stop chasing and start attracting.

When we feel joy, we cannot be in a state of contradicted vibration (feeling). We cannot feel joy and harmony while focusing on something we don't want or the lack of something we want. We can be kept from manifesting our desires only when our vibrations contain contradictory forces.

When a thought reflects who we are and what we really want, we feel a sense of harmony and strength flow through our body, rather than the disharmony that comes when we are not true to ourselves. This harmony and strength are the attraction state, the congruent state. Just as we can learn to mold energy into the precisely desired creation, we can learn to mold the energy that creates new worlds through the focus of our thoughts and feelings; this is the path to getting what we desire.

Invest Your Vibrations in Attraction, Not Chasing. The Universe is always honoring our energetic investment of the emotional and mental energy we give it. The bottom line is that we are using the investment of our imagination against ourselves when we chase our dreams. You cannot receive what you desire and continue chasing it. You must stop, change your message to the Universe (your vibrations) and start attracting what you want.

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