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The Structure of Successful Attraction

Mar 08, 2024

The journey to success is about change, transformation, and evolution of our thinking, feeling, and emotions—in other words, our inner structure or consciousness. Change requires us to understand where we are and that we arrived here through our learned thinking and feeling. Transformation in our world occurs when we change our inner world (thought, emotion and feeling) and the projected energy we consciously project into the Universe.

You may try to change the direction of your economic life and may succeed for a while. Eventually, you seem to return to your original thinking and attitudes. Why? In his book
The Path of Least Resistance, Robert Fritz says that your life is determined by the path of least resistance within you, the path of habit. This path is the underlying structure in your life and your beliefs, mostly your unexamined beliefs. Most people continue to do business the way they have learned and then feel powerless and frustrated when they continue to receive the same results. Even so, they find they never leave their entrenched business patterns. They may indeed make superficial changes in how they do business; however, nothing really changes for them. They still think and feel the way they always did—their inner structure never changes, and thus their results never change.

Look at the energy flow in your life, your business, your consciousness, as if it is like a river. It flows where there is the least resistance. If the riverbed remains unchanged, the water will continue to flow along the path it always has since this is the easiest and most natural way for it to flow. The same is true with you and your business; if the underlying structure of your economic life (established by your background and life training) is not changed, you will tend to follow the same direction you always have in your business life.

However, just as engineers can change the path of a river by changing the terrain, so it flows where they want it to flow, you can change the basic foundation of your economic thinking and feeling to allow you to go where you want to go. You do this by focusing on your vision, what you want in your life, and not what you do not want. We can evolve only when we actively create our own reality through appropriate thinking and feeling (changing our inner structure). When we commit our attention and energy flow in the direction of our vision, we can create the changes we desire, transform our energy, and become conscious participants and attractors in our own lives.

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